Record history - quak Cup 1 - Round 1 - Way 1
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Player Record time Record date
Noobinours 54.888 2024-04-29 20:42:45
ulbens 50.256 -04.632 2024-04-29 20:42:56
ulbens 50.056 -00.200 2024-04-29 20:44:30
Mr.Dec0x 49.728 -00.328 2024-04-29 20:45:19
Mr.Dec0x 48.832 -00.896 2024-04-29 20:47:02
Mr.Dec0x 48.400 -00.432 2024-04-29 20:51:32
gooti 48.280 -00.120 2024-04-29 20:53:48
gooti 47.904 -00.376 2024-04-29 20:57:07
gooti 47.648 -00.256 2024-04-29 21:04:18
gooti 47.496 -00.152 2024-04-29 21:09:30
gooti 47.488 -00.008 2024-04-29 21:17:08
StupZ 47.192 -00.296 2024-04-29 21:37:31
gooti 47.144 -00.048 2024-04-29 21:39:31
RuiN 47.024 -00.120 2024-04-30 13:20:21
RuiN 46.984 -00.040 2024-04-30 13:33:38
RuiN 46.944 -00.040 2024-04-30 13:42:15
RuiN 46.640 -00.304 2024-04-30 13:47:08
RuiN 46.616 -00.024 2024-04-30 14:16:39
RuiN 46.520 -00.096 2024-04-30 14:37:36
RuiN 46.392 -00.128 2024-04-30 14:55:23
StupZ 46.360 -00.032 2024-04-30 21:56:02
RuiN 46.312 -00.048 2024-05-01 13:50:56
RuiN 46.280 -00.032 2024-05-01 14:37:18
RuiN 46.216 -00.064 2024-05-01 14:39:20
RuiN 46.208 -00.008 2024-05-01 14:42:05
RuiN 46.072 -00.136 2024-05-01 15:03:38
StupZ 45.832 -00.240 2024-05-02 18:15:19
RuiN 45.424 -00.408 2024-05-06 21:00:00